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This server side Fabric mod enables uploading custom audio for music discs, goat horns and note blocks with heads.

Adding custom audios to items

To start of, you need to have an mp3 or wav file.

  1. While on the server type /audioplayer upload and click on the this link text.
  2. This will open filebin, upload your audio file and go back to Minecraft.
  3. Click on the here text and wait till the server has downloaded the file.
  4. Hold the item you want to put the audio on in your hand and click on [Put on item].

Sculkified by Gjorgdy

A fork (unofficial alternate version) of Audio Player especially made for Helix Survival

Sculk Speakers

If a jukebox has a Sculk Shrieker on top of it, it will enter 'transmit' mode. Any Note Blocks with a Sculk Sensor on top of them in range (16 blocks by default), act like speakers. They will be connected to the jukebox and will all play the same audio.

a single jukebox can connect to a max of 32 speakers

Amethyst Repeaters

To be able to place speakers further than 16 blocks away, the signal can be retransmitted with Amethyst. Either use a Calibrated Sculk Sensor instead of a normal Sculk Sensor on top of a Note Block. Or place a normal Sculk Sensor on top of an Amethyst Block.

a signal can be repeated a maximum of 8 times